İnformation of the Press service of the State Security Service

Official 29 September 2023


Armenian citizen D.Manukyan was arrested on charges of committing terrorist crimes in Karabakh

The preliminary investigation launched by State Security Service regarding numerous terrorist acts resulting in the death of people, committed by the illegal Armenian armed formations in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, is currently underway.

Based on the collected evidence, reasonable suspicions have arisen that Davit Azati Manukyan, born in 1971, currently a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, committed the criminal acts under Articles 214.2.1, 214.2.2, 214.2.3 (terrorism committed by organized group), 228.3 (illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of firearms, their complete parts, ammunition, explosives and devices), 279.3 (creation of armed formations or groups, not provided by the legislation) and 318.1 (illegal crossing of the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the accusation, despite the fact that the trilateral Statement of November 10, 2020 envisaged the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Davit Manukyan, born and registered citizen of the Republic of Armenia, a military officer of the armed forces of Armenia with the rank of major general, continued to commit criminal acts in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as the so-called “First Deputy Commander of the Defense Army of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh” participated in the organization and management of the activities of the illegal armed formations in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, supplying them with ammunition, explosives and devices.

At the same time, Davit Manukyan, with the help of the relevant terrorist groups, participated in the organization of terrorist acts accompanied by dangerous explosions, arsons or other actions posing a threat of death of people, damage to their health, property and other socially dangerous consequences in order to breach public security, spread panic among the population in Azerbaijan and influence the decision making of the state authorities and international organizations.

On September 27, 2023, Davit Manukyan was brought to criminal responsibility as an accused person and sentenced to pre-trial detention by the court order.

Currently, investigative and operational measures on the criminal case are underway.